Saturday 8 September 2018

Song of Fergie La La

So it was inevitable that it would happen.
Horrible rainy day.
Cranky Ewe, Gerty Gertz who "aint got time for dat"....
Next thing I know I got a sheep in a nappy in my kitchen.

We named her Fergie as she was rejected by her family. You work it out. Not about the Black Eyed Peas.

I did a crash course in how to raise a lamb. Thanks google! Bottle feeds, nappy changes and lots of hugs. We became used to the pitter patter of cloven hooves in our home. She fitted in well, sort of like a dog-sheep-human hybrid.

She was very content in the house however all good things must come to an end. Rises in our Tasmanian temperature and her decision that the couch was a good place to crash led to the conclusion that she really needed to be outside.

Little La La as we call her has become a constant companion. She enjoys days in the vegetable patch and loves a ride on the mower. I often have a little nose nuzzling my face and she heels better than my dog.

She is yet to assimilate into the herd. We go walks and visit the other woolly baa baas, but she is yet to really show any interest in being a lamb. So for now she thinks she is a dog-sheep-human and is enjoying hanging out with me and the pup.